TeamPatient® for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
TeamPatient® patient-centered collaboration solution connects everyone and everything around each affected individual to support their recovery process and reentry to society. Sustained recovery is essential to achieving a self-directed life for the individual and reduce recidivism.
How TeamPatient® Helps
Recovery from substance use disorder is defined as “A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.” Recovery is more than abstinence, and there are many paths to get there. Connecting the continuum of care improves the chances for sustained recovery. TeamPatient provides linkages to all the components of a recovery oriented system of care.

Destigmatize recovery: TeamPatient views substance abuse as a disease and the affected individual as “patient” in the center of a private network.
Demonstrate accountability: The Patient is accountable for his/her cloud-based private network.
Mitigate risk of relapse: Early warning system for the network members, 24×7 through real-time notifications.
Ensure sustained recovery: Provides a 360 view of care, with everything in one place – communications, relevant expert content, patient and team generated information.
Meta-level analytics: Understand the journey to and through sustained recovery from opioid addiction.
The TeamPatient® Continuum of Care

TeamPatient® Has the Tools to Help:
Sustain recovery

TeamPatient home page
The TeamPatient page has a list of your To dos for the day – tasks, appointments and other activities. No more missed appointments!

Groups enable communication and engagement with the trusted team and sharing of documents and other resource materials as needed.

To dos
Manage tasks, appointments, and other activities relevant to the treatment and recovery process.

Organize and share documents, videos and other resources and share them with the groups.
Mitigate the risk of relapse

Start or join a conversation and engage with members of your groups.

TeamPatient In-Mail
Members of groups can send a secure direct in-mail to other member(s) of the group.

Members of groups receive real-time notifications on new updates to the group – new member, conversations,to dos, resources. Members are also notified when there is a new in-mail message.
TeamPatient® Measures

Adherence . . . Engagement . . . Sentiment